Monday 5 May 2014

Best Acrostic Poems about Santa Claus

Santa Claus or Saint Nicholas is one of the most popular Christmas legends of the western world and has been a favorite with kids for decades. According to a popular story mainly concocted by parents that still fascinate little kids, Santa visits every night before Christmas morning and leaves behind presents for good little boy and girls under the Christmas tree.  Santa Claus is in fact so popular that he is a common inspiration for acrostic poetry. Here are a few acronym poem examples using the words Santa Claus.

Example 1

“Santa came and went.
All night he worked,
Never, ever stopping”

These few lines aptly tells the story of Santa Claus who comes every Christmas Eve and works tirelessly to make sure every little boy and girl gets their presents.

Example 2

“Top of bottles popping
All of the cards are sent
Christmas is here”

These few simplistic lines appropriately describe the festivities and celebrations that take place during Christmas time. As these few lines describe drinking and making merry and sending out greeting cards are a big part of the festivities.

Example 3

“Let it snow, keep going
And the time is flowing “

This poem is an acronym poem example that once again gives expression to the jubilation and celebrations that is standard during Christmas time.

Example 4

“Under the mistletoe couples kissing
Santa’s saying ho hoho”

These last few lines effectively end an acrostic poem using the words Santa Claus.

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