Monday 5 May 2014

Top 4 Acrostic Poem Ideas for Carnival

Carnivals or fairs are extremely popular entertainment venues for adults and children across the world. Activity, good, games and contests and joy rides are all the fun aspects of being at a carnival. In fact carnivals have such a deep impression of joy on the minds of little children that they often indulge in writing acrostic poems using the word carnival. Sometimes these little poems do stay appropriate to the theme carnival and sometimes not however let’s take a look at a few acronym poem examples using the word carnival.

Acronym Poem Example

Example 1

“Community Building
Amazing Performances
Raising money for our school”

Apparently this an acronym poem example that describes a carnival organized by a local school to raise funds. More often than not, carnivals are good places for the whole community to get together and achieve a common goal like raising funds for the local school or church. These few lines bring this aspect of carnivals to the fore.

Example 2

“Neat prizes to be won
Incredibly fun Bounce House”

These two fun aspects of a carnival that attract children are aptly described in the lines above. Carnivals are a good place to win prizes by participating in fun contest and kid love to get on the Bounce House. Apparently this little poet was inspired by these fun activities at the carnival.

Example 3

“Volunteers working booths
Activities Galore”

Volunteers at booth and many fun activities such as pie eating contests, art and craft exhibitions and sales are all integral aspects of a carnival. These two lines definitely brings the fair to life.

Example 4

“Laugh out loud... Fun”

This last line captures all the emotions at a carnival in a few words.

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